Preserving the Past, Building for the Future

Lawn & Garden

09-1000: Barreto 1320 Tiller Rear Tine

Barreto log splitter

Minimum: $40 * 4 hours: $100* 8 hours: $150 * Weekly: $450

09-1025 Earthquake Pro Front Tine Tillerrental front tine tiller

2 hours: $30 * 4 hours: $50 * 1 day: $70 * Weekly: $200

09-1001: Push Around Groundhog Post Hole Digger

lawn & garden rental Pusharound post hole digger

Minimum: $30 * 4 hours: $95 * 8 hours: $125 * Weekly: $375

09-1003: Billy Goat Rake/Dethatcher


Minimum: $30 * 4 hours: $90 * 1 Day: $130 * Weekly: $390

09-1004: Billy Goat Brush Cutter

Billy Goat Brush Cutter2 hours: $55 * 4 hours: $100 * 1 Day: $150 * Weekly: $450

09-1005: Billy Goat Aerator

Billy Goat AeratorMinimum: $35 * 4 hours: $80 * 8 hour: $120 * Weekly: $360

09-1006: Billy Goat Lawn Vacuum

leaf vaccuum2 hours: $25 * 4 hours: $35 * 1 Day: $65 * Weekly: $180

09-1007: Lawn Roller 18×36

Minimum: $10 * 4 hours: $20 * 8 hours: $30 * Weekly: $90

09-1008: Broadcast Spreader 100 lb.

lawn & garden rental 09-1008 Broadcast Spreader 100 lb

Minimum: $10 * 4 hours: $15 * 8 hours: $20 * Weekly: $60

09-1010: Stihl Hedge Trimmer – Battery Powered

lawn & garden rental 09-1010 Stihl Hedge Trimmer 36 volt

2 hours: $25 * 4 hours: $40 * 1 Day: $65 * Weekly: $200

09-1011: Stihl Lawn Edger Combo Tool

lawn & garden rental 09-1011 Stihl lawn edger combo tool

Minimum: $20 * 4 hours: $30 * 8 hours: $50 * Weekly: $200

09-1012: Stihl Pole Saw/Pruner Combo Tool

lawn & garden rental 09-1012 Stihl pole saw pruner combo

Minimum: $20 * 4 hours: $45 * 8 hours: $60 * Weekly: $180

09-1013: Stihl Weed Cutter Combo Tool

lawn & garden rental 09-1013 Stihl weed cutter combo tool

Minimum: $15 * 4 hours: $45 * 8 hours: $60 * Weekly: $180

09-1014: Stihl Power Broom Combo Tool

lawn & garden rental 09-1014 Stihl powerbroom combo tool

Minimum: $30 * 4 hours: $50 * 8 hours: $70 * Weekly: $250

09-1015: Stihl Extension Pole Combo Tool

lawn & garden rental 09-1015 Stihl extension pole combo tool

Minimum: $5 * 4 hours: $5 * 8 hours: $5 * weekly: $30

09-1016 Stihl Head Unit Motor Combo Tool

09-1017  1 Gallon Pump Sprayer

Minimum: $2  *  4 hours: $3 *  8 hours: $5  * Weekly: $25

09-1018: Hand Held Leaf Blower Vac Oil Gas Mix

lawn & garden rental 09-1016 hand held leaf blower vac oil gas mix

2 hours: $25 * 4 hours: $40 * 1 Day: $60 * Weekly: $120

09-1020: Log Splitter 21 Ton

lawn & garden rental Barreto log splitter 21 ton

Minimum: $45 * 4 hours: $80 * 8 hours: $120 * Weekly: $350

09-1021 Vermeer Stump Grinder 27HP

Vermeer stump grinder

2 hours: $80  *  4 hours: $150 * 1 day: $200  * Weekly: $630

09-1022  Vermeer 6″ Chipper Tow Behind

Vermeer tow behind wood chipper

Minimum: $55  *  4 hours: $120 * 8 hours: $200  * Weekly: $800

09-1023 Sod Cutter 5.5 HP Honda

lawn & garden rental sod cutter

Minimum: $42.50  *  4 hours: $100  *  8 hours: $150  *  Weekly: $450

09-1024 30″ Self Propelled Lawn Mower

toro self propelled mower rental

Minimum: $20  *  4 hours: $55  *  8 hours: $80  *  Weekly: $200

09-1036 T-4 Mini Trencher 18″x4″

Minimum: $40  *  4 hours: $70

For more information, also see: Trenchers and Skid Loaders & Excavation.


Contact RENTAL to make your rental reservation today!


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